AVM Gardens yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 The Unexpected Guest: How to Handle Last-Minute RSVP Changes

We’ve all been there – last minute changes to the guest list that completely shake up your previously rock-solid plans. You spend days pouring over every small aspect of your event only to have some sudden RSPVs throw you off track. 

But even when a guest is unexpected, it doesn’t mean they’re unwelcome. Almost everyone would love to host more friends and relatives, if only they had a backup plan in place for such emergencies. And voila, that’s exactly what this blog offers. Read on for practical tips and strategies to stay armed against any last-minute changes to your guest list!

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Why You Need to be Prepared for Unexpected Changes

From food and beverage plans to seating arrangements, those unexpected RSPVs can leave you in a state of confusion and panic. So, if you want your much awaited-event to go as smooth as possible, have a plan B in place. Just in case.

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Keep Your Plans Flexible

Whether it’s the number of seats and seating arrangements or gauging how many return gifts to pack, always keep your event planning flexible. Pack at least a couple extra return gifts and arrange a few more seats than your current guest tally. Even if those unexpected (but expected) heads don’t turn up, it won’t make for a huge loss, but it’s much better than having to disappoint them if they do.

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Technology to the Rescue

Turning to the mighty power called technology for some other-worldly help doesn’t make you any less of an event planner. In fact, it shows how adaptive and efficient you are. Check out online RSVP tools that can provide you with instant updates, notifying you as soon as someone decides to click on that RSVP button a little too late. This gives you a small but still considerable window of time to put a plan in place. Isn’t that better than missing their email and dealing with the mess on the day of the event? We definitely think so!

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Communication is Key

Always remember to decide upon an RSVP deadline for your event and print or place it, front and center, on your invites. While it’s great to take on a flexible approach and be ready for extra guests, it’s also equally acceptable to politely turn down any last minute RSVPs. If someone shows up unannounced though, you always have plan B!

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Consider Overbooking a Little

Overbooking is commonly practiced by airlines and for events like concerts. While all the previous sections centred around planning for last-minute RSVPs, overbooking can help offset any last-minute cancellations. Here, event planners accept more RSVPs than their actual capacity, but only to a small margin (usually 5-10%). Overbooking, however, is a tad bit risky, as you run the danger of reaching too far than you can manage. This is why it’s generally not recommended for small events where the chances and consequences of cancellations are not that significant.

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Plan Your Next Flexible Event at AVM Gardens

At AVM Gardens, we believe flexibility is the golden mantra of event management. With our wide service range and expansive venue, it’s exactly the kind of place that your guests, expected and unexpected alike, will leave happy and appreciated. Our experienced staff always puts clients first and is ever ready to help you with any last-minute adjustments. 

With an enthralling gazebo, lush green lawns, state-of-the-art amenities and a vintage yet modern look, AVM Gardens is the perfect spot for all your events. Reach out to us today and let’s make your next event a showstopper!